Dart DocumentationparsersPosition

Position class

class Position {
 final int line;
 final int character;
 final int offset;

 const Position(this.offset, this.line, this.character);

 Position addChar(String c) {
   assert(c.length == 1);
   final isNewLine = c == '\n';
   return new Position(
       offset + 1,
       line + (isNewLine ? 1 : 0),
       isNewLine ? 1 : character + 1);

 bool operator <(Position p) => offset < p.offset;
 bool operator >(Position p) => offset > p.offset;

 String toString() => '(line $line, char $character, offset $offset)';


const Position(int offset, int line, int character) #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object
const Position(this.offset, this.line, this.character);


final int character #

final int character

final int line #

final int line

final int offset #

final int offset


bool operator <(Position p) #

bool operator <(Position p) => offset < p.offset;

bool operator >(Position p) #

bool operator >(Position p) => offset > p.offset;


Position addChar(String c) #

Position addChar(String c) {
 assert(c.length == 1);
 final isNewLine = c == '\n';
 return new Position(
     offset + 1,
     line + (isNewLine ? 1 : 0),
     isNewLine ? 1 : character + 1);

String toString() #

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() => '(line $line, char $character, offset $offset)';