Dart DocumentationpropcheckQuickCheck

QuickCheck class

class QuickCheck extends Check {
 static const MAX_INT = ((1 << 32) - 1);
 final int seed;
 final int maxSize;

 QuickCheck({seed: 0, maxSuccesses: 100, maxSize: 100, quiet: false})
     : this.seed = seed
     , this.maxSize = maxSize
     , super(quiet);

 void check(Property property) {
   final random = new Random(seed);
   final nonEmptyParts = <Pair<int,Finite>>[];
   int counter = 0;
   final iterator = property.enumeration.parts.iterator;
   while (counter <= maxSize && iterator.moveNext()) {
     final part = iterator.current;
     if (part.length > 0) {
       nonEmptyParts.add(new Pair(counter, part));
   int numParts = nonEmptyParts.length;
   for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++) {
     final pair = nonEmptyParts[i];
     final size = pair.fst;
     final part = pair.snd;
     display("${i+1}/$numParts (size $size)");

     // TODO: replace by randInt when it handles bigints
     int maxIndex = part.length - 1;
     int index;
     if (maxIndex == 0) {
       index = 0;
     } else if (maxIndex < MAX_INT) {
       index = random.nextInt(maxIndex);
     } else {
       // poor resolution, would need real bigint rng
       int numerator = random.nextInt(MAX_INT);
       index = ((part.length-1) * numerator) ~/ MAX_INT;

     _Product arg = part[index];
     if (!property.property(arg)) {
       throw Check._errorMessage(i + 1, arg);


Check > QuickCheck

Static Properties

const MAX_INT #

static const MAX_INT = ((1 << 32) - 1)


new QuickCheck({seed: 0, maxSuccesses: 100, maxSize: 100, quiet: false}) #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object
QuickCheck({seed: 0, maxSuccesses: 100, maxSize: 100, quiet: false})
   : this.seed = seed
   , this.maxSize = maxSize
   , super(quiet);


final int maxSize #

final int maxSize

final bool quiet #

inherited from Check
final bool quiet

final int seed #

final int seed


void check(Property property) #

void check(Property property) {
 final random = new Random(seed);
 final nonEmptyParts = <Pair<int,Finite>>[];
 int counter = 0;
 final iterator = property.enumeration.parts.iterator;
 while (counter <= maxSize && iterator.moveNext()) {
   final part = iterator.current;
   if (part.length > 0) {
     nonEmptyParts.add(new Pair(counter, part));
 int numParts = nonEmptyParts.length;
 for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++) {
   final pair = nonEmptyParts[i];
   final size = pair.fst;
   final part = pair.snd;
   display("${i+1}/$numParts (size $size)");

   // TODO: replace by randInt when it handles bigints
   int maxIndex = part.length - 1;
   int index;
   if (maxIndex == 0) {
     index = 0;
   } else if (maxIndex < MAX_INT) {
     index = random.nextInt(maxIndex);
   } else {
     // poor resolution, would need real bigint rng
     int numerator = random.nextInt(MAX_INT);
     index = ((part.length-1) * numerator) ~/ MAX_INT;

   _Product arg = part[index];
   if (!property.property(arg)) {
     throw Check._errorMessage(i + 1, arg);

void clear() #

inherited from Check
void clear() => display('');

void display(String message) #

inherited from Check
void display(String message) {
 if (!quiet) {